Bring the Sausage in You, Monotype Workshop
As a minimal shape, we can do many things, including trying out many colours. Now let’s imagine how many colours I can get from a sausage shape and how many shapes we can cut inspired in a sausage. We can either print solo or we can be patient and talk with the next person, allowing a two sausage gathering around an etching press. We can discuss how many prints we can take from these sausages, but usually three hours hands-on gets pretty intense. You can get a few original prints home to remember how simple things in life can bring you internal joy. Maybe you make a friend too. Enjoy every minute of it and welcome for a coloured workshop!
Capacity: max 5, 79€ p/person
Registration at rita.vargas(a) / phone: 0452215100
Payment is made to Vargas Print Studio FI2415443000117239. Message: Monotype workshop and name. We need information for billing purposes. 50% of the workshop fee is made one day in advance and in case of cancelling, it is not returned.